... that I'm officially out of Stoneridge! Along with all the baggage that came with it. Still hasn't sunk in yet. But that's probably because the new place still has boxes everywhere. Don't feel like unpacking during my PCAT study breaks. And because I'm lazy!
It still hasn't sunk in yet either that my PCAT is in 9 days. Yipes.
Or that summer is almost over. YIPES!
It seems that I have the perfect equation for always being tired: Not getting enough sleep for consecutive days, then getting too much sleep the next day resulting in the body not being used to getting so much sleep. Love my black-out curtains and the quietness of the new apartment. At least I woke up just in time for Gilmore Girls!
I need some help figuring out what I'm going to do with my walls! Painted in Stoneridge, and never again. Especially with vaulted ceilings. Need to figure out what's going on the walls... maybe Ross.
Tangent, can't WAIT for Eat, Pray, Love =]
Another tangent, I just can't wait for fall to start so Dance Marathon things can get rolling! I have done so much planning all summer long, 25 notes in Evernot dedicated to different aspects of DM (and more to come!) including fundraisers, how to get spirit points, T-Shirt ideas, guest list, DM Handbook, year goals, etc. I even have the first meeting report planned out! Still need to make the powerpoint, but I think it'll be a good one. I'm just so excited!!!! And I want to tell everyone what's going on so I can update the PSP DM blog haha.
232 days =]
Woohoo I can't wait to see everything you have planned for DM! Good luck studying for the PCAT- I've found that taking Gilmore Girl breaks works the best :)