Goal number 1: Recount this final Gainesville summer to its entirety.
Well, I'm already behind.
Technically summer begins after the last day of finals, which for me was April 23rd, two and a half weeks ago. But the only thing I did for a week was work.
Then exactly one week later I moved my tassel from right to left and became and Alumna of University of Florida.
It was a lot more casual than I thought it would be. I didn't really like that we all moved our tassels at the same time; I thought we would do it on stage, but oh well. It was still a great time with family and friends!
Afterwards, Errol's parents and mine met for the first time... ever. It went a lot better than I thought it would - not that I thought it would be bad or anything.
The little shindig afterwards seemed a bit too close to a wedding reception though:
A toast for the "graduates"...
Cake and flowers...
Cutting the cake...
And family picture?
Oh well, it was still very enjoyable.
Then, a few days later, I ventured to North Carolina for a a week with some friends.
Day 1: Woke up super early (like 5AM) to pack the car and drive up to Burlington, NC at Mike's grandparent's house. True Southern living right there. We had chicken pie and local BBQ for dinner. Delicious.
Day 2: Errol and I took the car and traveled to Chapel Hill to look at apartments. Found some, but they are definitely a lot more different up there than here. Less to choose from. And why the fuck do they not come with microwave or washer/dryer? Retarded.
Day 3: Traveled from Burlington to Atlantic City, NC at Mike's family's beach house (man, I am the ultimate free loader... first Lauren's cabin in Waynesville, NC and now Mike's beach house. It helps to have the hook ups).
Day 4-7: Beach, home-cooked meals, local restaurants, downtown shops, and more beach.
So much beach, yet so little tan. Well, compared to what I already have.
And now finally back in Gainesville after a lot of activity.
Can't wait to actually be productive tomorrow. Way too much to do this summer figuring everything out! Starting to learn a lot more about loans and stuff. I told my mom a little bit about it and freaked her out with the interest potential. Bad idea.
Anywho, more to come! Promise!
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