All I have to say is that I'm really glad I wrote in a journal all those years because it's definitely fun to read years later. You think that you'll remember everything important, but really you don't. And I know that for a fact now.
It's interesting to see how you used to be, how much you've grown, and maybe how you've taken some steps backwards.
So I'm determined to go back to writing. I do it too sparsely, maybe once every few months. It used to be my stress relief and one can never have enough stress relief!
Currently watching Julie and Julia, probably what inspired me to write another post. Interestingly enough, a few posts ago I was watching this movie for the first time haha.
I watch things over and over again, I don't know why. I won't re-read a book, though. Maybe I'm too lazy for that. But movies and TV shows, there's always something new for me to see, or reference to figure out.
Anyways, my wrist hurts from bowling last night. It was fun, but shouldn't be typing and clicking with the mouse so much.
Au revoir! Did I spell that right?
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